Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Update: Tide the Knott

With basketball season done (for now), Lance now has his weekends back to work on our boat.  Basketball season interferes with the boat project because of Saturday’s games.

It isn’t easy for us as a couple.  We spend two weekends a month apart.  I miss him when he is in San Diego, and he misses me.  I guess the separation serves a purpose by rekindling the fire in our romance. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  I don’t get to go down to San Diego that often because of the kids’ activities, the dogs, and the household needs.  When I do go down, it is with Buddy and Bella, and frankly, when the dogs are on the boat, Lance can’t get any work completed.  They are attached to his side-- making it impossible for him to work.

He usually departs on Saturday morning (sometimes Friday) and comes home early Sunday evening.  I could hear the excitement in his voice as he eagerly shares with me photos and a detailed account of what he accomplished that weekend.  I look at the photos, and I praise him, but I don’t think he realizes how much respect I have for him, aside from being my husband.  I continually am impressed with his talent and skill.  My husband is like no other.  He is intellectually brilliant, and his talent at engineering, carpentry, plumbing, electrical is equally impressive. 

Lately, he has been focusing his attention on the bow. You hardly even recognize the old, rotted bow after he rebuilt it.  I’m proud of you, Lance.  I cannot wait to spend every second of every day with you.  Yes, I want to be with you ALL THE TIME.  I love our boat.  I love all the care and attention you put into it.  This boat means so much to me, because it is a part of you, and I love you so very much.

rotted wood

starboard side being rebuilt

Cap rail needs to be installed on Starboard and deck needs to be finished

Deck being installed


  1. Seriously, so much talent. I can't wait to see the boat again! And I totally understand the absence thing. Bron being gone 1-2 nights every week makes me appreciate him more, I think.

  2. Amazing! My father in law offered to come do some wood work on the boat. I know Dad would appreciate it, but doesn't want to ask for the help. What do you think, Liz? Maybe we'll just have to show up and make it happen!

  3. I think that would be great if he could get some help. If he ever comes out here, we will put them to work. They can spend the evenings relaxing on the boat. It is very hard because I can only go down with the dogs, and your dad just can't get any work done because they literally do not leave his side. Our bedroom should be done in the next month. I cannot wait.
