Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Most Hard Working, Dedicated, Busiest Man

I don’t pretend to know what Lance is doing on the boat.  I am not mechanical, and I do not understand the intricate technical details of the improvements he has made on the boat.   I do know he is working his a** off.     I worry that he takes on too much, and I do whatever I can to alleviate some of the demands he has, but there is only so much I can do.  I’m not here to lament because we are undeniably blessed,  but I think people don’t realize how much he is doing….I guess the reason I’m pointing this out is because I’m asking everyone to be patient with him and not be so disappointed if he is unable to fulfill a request or an invite.  He has a multitude of obligations; He doesn't want to disappoint people so he is trying to be everywhere doing everything with everyone at the same time.

1.     He has a very demanding job  as he is responsible for the CEO’s and Chairman of the Board’s initiatives.  He is also the lead project manager for the OCTA’s Strategic Plan.  All of his work is highly visible and is subject to the pressure of a political atmosphere and stringent deadlines.

2.     Lance inherited an entire family with three kids who not only love him, but need him.  He attends basketball games, baseball games, academic functions, and he spends the weekdays shuttling the kids to activities.  Moreover, he helps them learn new skills and grow as individuals.  Kids are demanding and time consuming, and these are relatively young kids still.  He also has  his adult children, Jessie, Bron, Joe, Lauren, Don; and his grandsons, Jed, Levi, and Carter.  He feels guilty for not seeing them as much as he wants…..he wants to spend more time with the kids and the grandkids, but it just seems like there isn’t enough time.  

3.     Lance also now has a house to maintain that demands his time.  He is constantly having home projects.  He recently renovated each of the boys rooms.  When things need to be repaired in the house, it is Lance who does the job.  The house has changed dramatically since Lance and I got married. I wish I took before and after photographs. 

4.     Tide the Knott is a MASSIVE  MASSIVE reconstruction project that is going to take years to complete. He is only one man, but he is ambitious, and I have no doubt he will succeed.  I try to give him as much freedom as possible to allow him to work on Tide the Knott.  It is his passion, his joy, and it is his time to get away from the stresses of me, the kids, and his job.  I know it consumes a lot of his energy, but it also makes him happy. He spends almost every weekend down in San Diego working on the boat.

5.      Yes, as if my husband does not have enough to do…..he decided to build his own 18-ft dingy.  He ordered plans, and the project began a few months ago.  He told me I would not have a garage for six months, but realistically, I think it might be a year or more.  The skeleton of the structure is finally coming together, but there is still so much work and I have no idea how he is going to find the time.

6.      I demand his time.  He is my best friend, and I love him more than he will ever know.  I love being with him and doing things with him.  My passion is running, and he has accompanied me on several races as my support team.  I need him too and I have plans for us.  I am another demand.

7.     We adopted two of the most amazing, neurotic dogs who are our canine children, Buddy and Bella.  These dogs are strangely attached to Lance (more so than anyone in the family), and it is very time consuming to care for these dogs.  One of the reasons why I do not go down to San Diego with Lance on the weekends is because of Bella and Buddy.  They can’t be left alone.  Bella needs someone, and if she is left alone, she will urinate all over the house because she is completely anxiety ridden and neurotic.

8.      Lance has friends in Texas and San Diego who often ask him to do things, and Lance has not been available as much as he was when 1-7 above were not a factor in his life.

 With that said, I wanted to share the latest photos of Tide the Knott.  Lance finally got the water system set up and we have hot and cold water in the kitchen.  He installed a new faucet which we don't have a photo of.....I am really proud of him.

My husband is a genius! and he is the most hard working man I have ever known.....

Engine Room Before Floor Installation

Engine room with new floor

Water System Manifold (Lance installed)
Air compressor that Lance installed
New Water Pressure Pump and Heater installed by Lance

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quick Update on the Kids

I am so in love with Dylan, Brandon, and Mia.  I guess that is expected; I'm also incredibly proud of who they are...each one has their individual strengths and unique character.

Dylan will be in 9th grade next year, and my little boy is no longer so little. In his place is a teenager blossoming into a young adult.  He started shaving.  He is taller than me. He has zits and is worried about the way he looks.  He has a girlfriend.  He kissed her.  He seems reluctant to bring her around Lance and I as he considers us embarrassing.  What??!!!  He spends so much time on his phone.  He spent last week camping in Lake Arrowhead with his 8th grade class.  He is a great young man. He is still obsessed with basketball and knows every trivial basketball fact.  He has influenced the entire family, and we are all watching the playoffs with passionate intensity.  It is our family thing.  Dylan often talks about his glory days in baseball.  He stopped playing at nine years old, but he really was quite good.  We plan on getting him back into baseball next Spring.  Moreover, I'm hoping he will do cross country/track and wrestling in high school.  With his jiu jitsu training and his genetics (I'm a runner.  My dad did cross country, and Leroy did track), he should excel.

Mia is almost finished with kindergarten.  Mia struggled a little earlier this year with school, but she has improved so much.  She started gymnastics, and she has amazing body strength. I have no doubt she can excel in this sport. I enjoy taking her and watching all the gymnast train.  It makes me want to get out there and work with them even though my 41-year old body is severely limited in what it can do.  Mia's gymnastic has motivated me to stretch and do yoga daily. I want to be flexible.  I don't usually stretch so this is a change for me.  I want Mia to start taking dance class particularly the Polynesian dancing, but I don't know how we are going to fit all of this in.  Mia was also recognized last Friday as Gator of the Month at her school.  I'm so glad I was able to watch her receive her award.

Mia getting recognized at school

My beautiful and amazing little Princess

Brandon is playing his second year of baseball.  The games are fun.  I think Fountain Valley has one of the best little leagues. In fact, Fountain Valley High School is known for its great baseball team.  I think there were like five graduates who went to play pro.  He has improved so much.  He never strikes out now and is getting more power with his hits.  He still needs to work on catching though.  We live near one of the most amazing and biggest parks in Orange County, and the baseball fields are just amazing, top of the line fields. We have gone to two Angels games this summer so far and spent a buttload of money buying overpriced snacks/refreshments at the stadium.

I will register Mia to play softball next Spring.  When I was young, softball was my sport.  I played second base.  I got Mia all of the equipment (glove, bat, balls, baseball bag), and do you need to ask? Really? Of course, everything is pink. Pink bat, pink glove, pink balls, and pink bag!

Brandon up to bat.  He is right-handed, but for some reason, he feels more comfortable batting left handed. 
Brandon at the pitcher mound.

Second baseman

Brandon hits the ball

on first base

running to home plate from third base

with this ground ball, Brandon got an out at second base.

My Saturdays are spent shuttling the kids around.  We usually have some activity going on almost every day of the week.  It can be exhausting, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for Dylan, Brandon, and Mia.  I want them exposed to as much as possible.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Things Happen for a Reason

I pray.  Most of my prayers are prayers of thanks, but occasionally, I do pray for something.  I pray for people who are suffering and who are in pain.  I also, on occasion, pray for my own selfish desires/needs. 

I applied for a lower position at OCTA, and I was deeply conflicted about my desires, but I proceeded forward, completed an application and interview.  During this process, I prayed to God.  I prayed NOT that I would get the job.  What I did pray for was that God would do what was best for me and my family because I was uncertain as to what I wanted. 

God is really good to me; and I just start to cry because I feel so blessed.

I'm 99.9 percent certain that I did not get that job, and I feel relieved.  I did what I had to do and I left my fate in God's hand,  I have trust in his guidance. At the end of the fiscal year, the potential earnings for each position will increase by $5,000 which means my earning potential will increase.  I learned something about myself in this process, and that is though I often say money isn't important; it actually is....I want to make good money. I want to provide more for my family.  I want to give my children more opportunities. 

We had a leadership transition at OCTA this past two months.  I have a new boss (CEO) now, and though I adored his predecessor, he was a NUT to work for.  My new boss is much better. My level of stress will be dramatically reduced.

Things happen for a reason.  Sometimes you may not understand what that reason is and you may be disappointed, but there is always a reason for everything.  Years ago, I applied for three jobs, and I was rejected.  At the time, I was very frustrated because I could not understand why, but if I did get those jobs, I would not be in the job I have now, and this job (though stressful at times) has really been a blessing.  Additionally, Lance was fired from the City of San Diego because he disagreed with the Mayor's unethical behavior. At the time, he was very upset but had he never been fired, he would have never sought employment and come to work at OCTA.  If he never worked at OCTA, he would have never met me.  I want to write that Mayor and express my thanks to him for firing Lance.

With all that being said, I will stay where I am, not take a pay cut, continue to earn more, and be grateful....very grateful for so many things. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

50 Random Thoughts About Me

1.  I get irritated when people look down upon admin support positions. I get questioned as to why I don't use my degree.  Well, I do use my degree.  I use my degree in every day life.  I'm smarter and a  more well rounded person.  I don't mind being a secretary and I see no shame in that occupation.  Plus, my annual income is higher than many many professionals. 

2.  I am a hopeless romantic, and I love "love".  My favorite novels are two romances:  Jane Eyre and Losing Julia.  I am in love with love.

3.  I don't like people who complain about their disposition and choose to do nothing about it. I don't have alot of sympathy for that.  I believe in changing what you don't like.

4.  I don't like tattoos.  I know this is against the modern day trend, but I find tattoos unattractive.

5.  If I could, I would want one more child.  The one thing missing in my perfect life is a baby with Lance, but you cant always have what you want.  I've accepted that.  I did though look up invitro fertilzation, but decided against it.

6.  I have issues with people who expect a free hand out.  I believe in hard work and being self sufficient. We may all need help occasionally and that is ok, but it should only be short term and only after you have exhausted all of your own resources. I do not believe in entitlement. I am no longer a Democrat.  Though I share some social values, my economic beliefs are conservative.  Moreover, I cannot stand a society that promotes dependence on government and a philosophy of entitlement.

7.  I majored in English and only because I had no clue as to what I wanted to do....I think at 18, you are still finding yourself.  Now, I'm 41, and if I could go back in time, I would major in kinesology with a focus on sports therapy.

8.  I'm attracted to people who are philosophical, emotional, sensitive, generous, and abnormal.  People who are a little bit f-uped are always the most interesting. 

9.  I curse a little too excessively.  It's only gotten worse.

10.  I pray regularly.  I love God very much.  I was an agnostic when I was a teenager, but the moment I became a mother, there was never a doubt of God's presence.  My children have brought me to God.  He has been so good to me, and my soul belongs to him.

11.  When I retire, if I'm not watching grandchildren or travelling, I'm going to volunteer to help rescue dogs.  It hurts me when animals are abused.  I am not that affected when something happens to people (I know that is a little peculiar), but when an act of cruelty is directed at an innocent child or an animal, it hurts me at the core.  Children and animals can't defend themselves.

12.  I want to visit Great Britain so I could do a literary tour to include notable sites of the Brontes, Austen, and Shakespeare.  I also want to visit Vietnam so I could see my heritage.  I'm very proud to be half Vietnamese.

13.  I have no patience at all.  I get irriated easily.  I need to work on that.

14.  I hate conflict, and I have a hard time saying no. However, if you hurt my family, I can be very vocal and feisty. 

15.  Things I value are God, my family, education, physical health/fitness, financial health, self sufficiency, independence, marriage.  I also believe in not judging people and trying to be kind and compassionate.

16.  I suffer from kidney stones.  I have had several attacks--two which sent me to the ER.

17.  I love just staring at my children's faces and Lance's face.  I love my family more than anything.  The meaning of my life is with my family.

18.  I want to get a tummy tuck because my stomach is just horrid.

19.  I'm satisfied with my breast size.  I don't want big boobs because they would interfere too much with my running.

20.  I'm very competitive even with myself.  I want to be the best or get better.  I trash talk incessantly, and I know I've pissed people off with my trash talk.  I play aggressively.  I don't do half assed things.

21.  I think Marilyn Monroe is probably one of the prettiest woman that ever lived.  She could be sexy and cute and vulnerable at the same time--not many woman could do that.  Most women are either cute or sexy.  It is hard to be both simultaneously.

22.  I have a crush on Eric Northam on True Blood.  He makes me goo goo ga ga!  Lance said he wouldn't trust me on a deserted island with him. 

23.  Before I met Lance, I never made my bed.  Why make it when it was just going to get messed up in a few hours? But now, I actually like the habit of making my bed.

24.  I loooooooove coconut water.  I could drink it by the gallons. I love anything coconut.  The three things I drink regularly:  coconut water, water, and coffee.  I don't drink soda or alcohol.  I hate alcohol.  My dad is an alcoholic.  Alcoholism runs in my family.  I have never been drunk in my life.

25.  I love history.  I would prefer to spend a day in a museum than in an amusement park or the beach.  I would prefer to visit historic Europe or Asia than go to Hawaii or Jamaica. 

26.  I'm a very good dancer.  I'm wild and sometimes dance like a stripper.  I love to dance, and I have no inhibitions.  If no one is on the dance floor and they play my song, I have no fear of getting in front of everyone and shaking my thing.  I use to go clubbing and dance on the elevated stages. 

27.  I listen to all kinds of music but mainly hip hop and pop.  Lance HATES my music.

28.  I still shop in the junior section in stores.  I don't really care for women's clothes. In fact, I don't think I own a pair of pants that hangs on my waist.  Everything hangs off my hips.

29. I cannot wear g-strings.  They make me pick my ass.

30.  I cannot swim very good.  I won't drown, but I can't swim distances either which is why I cannot compete in a triathlon.

31.  I attended the 1989 Oscars; great experience.

32.  I know sign language.  I don't speak Vietnamese but I could understand some.

33.  I've completed one full marathon--LA Marathon 2011.

34.  I am a planner.  I don't live by the moment.  I believe in establishing security.  I believe in responsibility.

35.  I don't believe in illegal immigration reform.  I believe illegal immigrants should be deported. 

36.  I voted for Romney in the last election. 

37.  I have asked my kids.  a.) don't ever get a tattoo b.) get your college degree c) take care of your health--exercise, exercise, exercise.  I really advocate for exercise.  I do it more for my mental health than anything.

38.  I did try (half assed) to commit suicide once when I was a teenager.  It was after a break up from a relationship.  I didn't really want to kill myself, but I took about 20 pills and then five mins later, I took myself to the ER. What an idiot!  It is the stupidest thing I have ever done. 

39.  I'm very athletic.  I have always been athletic.  I've excelled at every sport I have ever played.  My competitive nature makes me hussle. I play hard.  I was a tomboy when I was younger.  I am an athlete, and I kick ass.

40.  I have been in one physical fight in my life.  It was with my ex sister in law.

41.  I am not afraid of dying.  I am afraid of losing the people I love.  I'm also afraid of rodents.

42.  I wanted to be an actress when I was a little girl.  I know everything about old Hollywood.  I don't know why, but I have a photographic memory about old Hollywood.

43.  I wore braces from the age of 13-15.  I wore glasses from the age of 8 -31.  I then got Lasik.  My eyes were so bad that I couldn't tell the difference between conditioner and shampoo in the shower unless it was three inches from my face.  My eyesight was like -6.75.  I'm afraid of going blind.

44.  I loooooove to eat.  I have a big appetite.  I am not a dainty eater.  I love Vietnamese food, spicy food, shellfish.  I also love sweets.  I have a hard time controlling my sweet tooth.  I love buffets.  I get super excited when I get to go to a buffet. 

45.  I can't cook. I can't draw.  I can't play a musical instrument.  I can't sing.  I am a good writer.  I'm a good actress. I'm a good dancer.  I'm a good athlete.  I'm a good public speaker.  I'm also a good lover. 

46.  I am double jointed and bow legged, and I bite my nails.  I also have bunions on my feet.

47.  My ring size is size 5; shoe size is size 6.5 or 7, pants size 7  (juniors).

48.   I have no inhibitions, but this doesn't mean I'm painfully shy and I get terribly nervous, because I do.  I am very comfortable with who I am. I'm so comfortable in my own skin.  I don't get embarrassed easily.  I know who I am, and I like who I am.

49.  I have a dresser devoted exclusively to work out/gym wear.

50.  I'm not into name brands except for Nike and Adidas.  I am a Nike and Adidas whore.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

I am a HUGE Montgomery Clift fan.  I have been a fan since I was 13 years old.  When I was a teenager, my sister and her boyfriend would drive me to Hollywood once a month so I could splurge all my savings on Monty Clift memorabilia.  I have quite an extensive collection.  Realizing I may impress upon you even more.. my utter weirdness, let me tell you how big of a fan I am....I started writing in a journal when I was 13, and my journal is written to "Monty".  Additionally, I went to New York and I visited his brownstone and the street he lived on.  I tried to visit his grave, but it is in a private cemetery in Brooklyn.  I have read every bio on him.  Why am I so into Monty Clift?  I am quite abnormal.  I have always been off centered---too passionate, too sensitive, too deep, and a little f-uped. When I was younger, I was insecure and ashamed about who I was, but I identified with Monty Clift, and because of that, Monty Clift, in an indirect way, gave me confidence in who I am and made me love all that is different about me.  I have no desire to be normal.  I love who I am.

Edward Montgomery Clift (October 17, 1920 - July 23, 1966)

When Monty was filming From Here Eternity, he spent three months living in the famous Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard in Room 928. (The Roosevelt Hotel was also the site of the very first Oscars.)  Monty would practice playing the bugle and recite his lines in the hallway in preparation for his role as Private Prewitt.  The room is now rumored to be haunted by his spirit.  Guests have complained about coffee pots being turned on; strange noises, being touched and brushed against, and ghostly apparitions. Additionally, maids have also uttered the same complaint.  Room 928 is probably the most famous room in the entire hotel.  I have wanted to stay in this room since I was a teenager, and almost 30 years later, the dream is finally realized.

I ran the 2nd Annual Hollywood Half Marathon, and because the race began at the insane hour of 6 a.m., Lance and I had to stay overnight, and moreover, because the start line was literally in front of the Roosevelt Hotel, I made reservations with the specific request for Room 928.  The management must have thought I was a little cuckoo because they received multiple calls from me to confirm I was booked in Room 928.  In fact, when we checked in, the front desk lady had a smile on her face.  She must have been forewarned of the nut job who kept calling to confirm she was booked in Room 928.  Every Roosevelt Hotel staff member knows of Room 928. In fact, I asked a maid who was in the hallway of the 9th floor if she had experienced any strange haunting.  With her limited English, she told me no, but that her friend had seen the ghost of Monty Clift.  Lance and I toured the hotel and when we told the staff that we were staying in Room 928, they all knew of that room.

I took this photo from Hollywood High School when I was walking from the half marathon finish line to the hotel.  You can see Room 928.  The hotel is 12 stories, and Room 928 is next to the stairwell on the left side)

I had mixed feelings.  I was excited, but I was also scared.  I was not afraid of Monty, but what scared me was the fact that it may have been another spirit?  Why would Monty haunt the Roosevelt?  If he was going to haunt any place, wouldn't it be his brownstone in New York? Why Hollywood? He hated Hollywood. He didn't die there and he only spent three months there so why would he haunt it?

The decor of the Roosevelt is very dark and masculine. It looks like a cigar room. The hallways are incredibly creepy.  The walls and the ceilings are painted a very, very dark brown color, and the lights are so dim.  I was very scared walking in the hallway.  Room 928 is a corner room with a great view of Hollywood and downtown L.A.  There is also a great view of Hollywood High School where a baseball game was being played on Friday night. (Monty use to run the track every morning at Hollywood High.)  We checked in the hotel.  The room was notably insignificant.

Hollywood High School Track and Baseball Fields View from Room 928
This trip was also our anniversary present to each other.  Lance and I prefer not to exchange gifts, but instead plan some getaway as a gift to celebrate our marriage.  We walked a half mile to the famous Musso and Frank Grill which has been in Hollywood since 1919.  Every famous actor/writer has eaten here (Chaplin, Fairbanks, Pickford, Barrymore, Valentino, Garbo, Cooper, Gable, Hemingway, Faulkner, Huxley, Monroe, Dimaggio, Flynn).  Lance and I love history, and it was really cool to be in a restaurant that has been around since 1919. 

While sitting there, guess who was seated in the next booth to us? Yes, the lead singer of the 1980s band Duran Duran.  We were seated next to Simon Lebon.  I would not have recognized him because he had a beard, but his companion introduced him to the restaurant manager as Simon Lebon.  I then heard him speak with his English accent, and then a few others came up to introduce themselves.  I was never a big Duran Duran fan, but it was actually kind of cool to be seated 2 feet away from Simon Lebon.

Dinner at Musso Frank Grill (Est. 1919)
 We returned to Room 928, and I had the worst night ever.  Frankly, nothing extraordinary happened.  However, I was extremely scared. My imagination got the best of me. I built a pillow fortress to my right side and slept suffocatingly close to Lance.  I also made him keep a dim light on all night.  I was so hot and sweaty, but I could not expose myself so I buried myself with the blanket as if it was some shield of protection.  I would drift into a light slumber and then wake up, each time glancing at the clock.  I was counting the hours to daylight.  I never in my life was so eager for morning.  I even made Lance get up in the middle of the night to walk with me and stay with me while I used the bathroom.  When it was time to get up for the half marathon, I could not have been happier.  (Lance doesn't believe it is haunted, but he had his pants, shoes, and shirt right next to him on the spare bed so that he could quickly grab it and bolt out of there if something strange happened at night.  He was prepared just in case.)

nothing spectacular about the room (except for sleepy Raul next to me)

I ran the Hollywood Half Marathon in 2:15--It was not a particularly beautiful course; there were hills.  What I love about this race though is the medal.  It is one of my favorite medals.  Lance did the 10K. We had our good friends, Jorge and Raul Duran, meet us in the morning at the hotel. They joined us in the race.

We spent the late morning after the race, touring the famous Mann's Chinese Theater.  Wow! It is exceptionally extravagant and breathtaking inside...so full of opulence.  I have never seen a more beautiful theater.  The silk curtain cost half a million dollar.  Our tour guide advised us there is an average of 50 premieres held there annually. The theater opened in 1926 and much of the infrastructure is still original.  Celebrities sit in rows S and T so he showed us where Angelina and Brad sat.  Lance had to rub his ass in the seat Angelina sat in once upon a time.

At the premier of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Marilyn immortalized her hand prints in front of Mann's.  She also put one of her earrings into the cement.  Many have tried to remove it.  You can see the earring marking the "i" in her name.

lobby of Mann's

This Chinese lady has been in the theater since he opened so she is almost 100 years old.  Many have rubbed her shoulder for good luck.

Women's bathroom in the Mann's Theater. I am seated in the spot where Marilyn Monroe is rumored to have sat many times.
It was truly a great weekend.  I love touring Mann's Chinese theater.  The photos do not do it justice because it does not capture the absolute luxuriousness of the theater. In regards to Room 928, I will not stay in Room 928 again.  In fact, if someone offered me $10,000 to stay overnight by myself, I would quickly decline.  Don't get me wrong.  I am happy we did stay, but the room and the hallways kind of give me the creeps.  I dont really believe its haunted, but I am not going to discredit those stories either.  If it is haunted, it can't be Monty's spirt.  I can cross this off my bucket list.  I stayed in Room 928.  I got to experience it once, and frankly, for me, that is enough.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (and Money)

The hardest part about making decisions is just simply making it.  I think once you've made a decision; it is just simple to go through the necessary follow through steps.  I am at a crossroads and I'm tormented about what to do. I know what I want to do, but I am concerned about the burden I may create for Lance.

I have been employed with OCTA for almost 23 years, and for the last 10 years, I have been the assistant to the CEO.  This position is extremely demanding, fast-paced, and HIGHLY HIGHLY stressful, Frankly, I am burnt out.  A lower level support position has just opened, and I hesitantly submited my applicaton and resume today.  I created the typical pros and cons list, and while there were multiple pros; there were only two cons. 

I have no career ambition.  Every executive that I have worked for has tried to mentor me because they recognize that I have far too much potential, but they often don't understand that my entire happiness and identity rests with what I do outside of work.  My career is only a tool to sustain my "real" life.  I try to earn as much money as I can to allow for more freedom in my "real" life, but you reach a point where you have to question if the sacrifices are worth it?  I am under a tremendous amount of stress and it has taken a toll on my health.  Being diagnosed with Crohn's disease is motivating me to seek a less stressful environment.  Stress causes flare ups in Crohn's.  I am constantly suffering from neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. I'm bitter and I've begun to hate stupid, stupid, stupid people. I dont like who I am at times.

I dont know if I will even get this lower level position, but I'm pretty certain I will be one of the top candidates.  I have not told my new boss, but I do know he will not react favorably to the news.  I may only be a measly assistant, but I do know this, I am the best.  I have been told that by every CEO I have ever worked for....I am the best at what I do, and I'm very well known and respected by all transit agencies in Southern California.

What I really want to say is that I truly have the best husband in the world! He has been so supportive of my decision.  He is so good to me. I know my decision is going to impact him, and that is why I struggle because I care very much about his own well-being and happiness.  I don't want to burden my husband.  He really is truly amazing! Have I said that before?  I love love love love him.

So basically it boils down to $17.84 less a day, but once you figure how much Uncle Sam takes that will more likely be $15.00 a day so is it worth it?  $15.00 a day less for my health and sanity?  Yes, I think so.

I am a contradiction, and what I'm now going to say only confirms that I am a contradiction.  As much as I am about emotions and people, I also like money.  I am  passionate when it comes to retirement planning and personal finance.  I regularly monitor my accounts.  I've worked for many CEOs, and what I learned from them is that I'm not going to retire poor.  I may not have the resources to be wealthy, but I'm going to use whatever resources I have and effectively manage them so that I can retire comfortably.   I have been actively involved in my retirement planning since my late 20s, and I started Lance on a proactive retirement plan.  He was living day by day before he met me, but now, he is on a plan.  By the time we retire, we are going to be very, very comfortable.

People dont plan for retirement and they are not financially healthy.  This is one of the lessons of life that I value, and I hope to instill it in my children at a very young age. 

I know I'm blabbing....My mind is alive with thoughts.

What I guess I'm really wanting to say is that I love my husband, and I'm so very grateful and appreciate of him for letting me do what I need to do and what is right for me even if it creates a need for accomodations.

I get down on my knees and say the most sincerest prayer of gratitude to you, God for bringing that beautiful man into my life.  My life is SOOOOOO much better becuase of him. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you.