Thursday, May 28, 2015

Basketball Makes Me Beam With Pride at Lance and Brandon

Coaching was never meant to be long term.  One season of coaching was all that Lance intended to do.

Dylan grew up playing basketball at the recreation center, and when he was too old to play, he wanted to coach and though he was too old to play, he was also too young to coach.  Lance offered to volunteer coach so that Dylan would have the opportunity.  Three seasons later, Lance is still coaching.  He learned that he enjoyed coaching and though it is time-consuming and a big commitment, he receives so much personal satisfaction and reward from teaching these young kids and more importantly, building their self confidence.
Yesterday's playoff game


Lance played high-school basketball, and his team went to the state championship.  He also played for part of his freshman year at BYU alongside the famous Danny Ainge.  He loves the game.  Coincidentally, it is also my family's sport.  My brother and Dad played basketball.  Leroy, my brother, is actually very, very, very good.  When I was growing up, my dad often took us out to the courts to play two on two.  Dylan and Brandon are just as passionate about the game. 

Every basketball season, Lance gets attached to the children he coaches, but I think this season was even more special.  We went to a few pizza parties, and ALL the parents expressed gratitude and praises about Lance to me.  They loved how he actually taught the kids, and how unlike other coaches, he gave attention to every child and not just the top three players.  They said he was patient and attentive.  They loved his style, and the fact that the kids were learning.  In fact, the compliments progressed further....into actual action.  Lance normally coaches at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center, but this last season, he coached at Boys and Girls Club.  Two of his players on his team actually tried to transfer to play at the recreation center in the summer, because they wanted Lance to continue being their coach.  Instead of playing at the Boys and Girls Club, they wanted to play wherever Lance was coaching.  One of the players discovered she would have to play in a different division at the recreation center due to her age.   When she learned this, she opted to NOT play in the summer.  She  ONLY wanted to play under Lance.  Wow! I mean, really….WOW!  I am speechless.   What a huge compliment to Lance.  He made such an impact on this girl that she is willing to follow him.  At our last pizza party, Lance spoke individually to her about how great of a player she was, and how he really would like to have her on his team again, and how he would be looking her up in the Fall when he returns to the Boys and Girls Club to coach.  The sweet girl had tears in her eyes.
Mavericks:  Division B2, Boys and Girls Club

Mavericks with Dylan and Luke
One the players also has a brother who has cerebral palsy.  Luke is a great kid who attends every practice and every game.  He loves basketball too.  At every game and practice, Lance always shook Luke's hand and took time to talk to him.  At the last game of the season, Lance brought Luke up to sit with the team.  You should have seen the excitment from Luke.  His parents were taking photos of him sitting with the team.  He also gave Luke one of the medals for all the support he gave to the team.  It meant the world to Luke.   Things like this really bring tears to my eyes.  It shows such a tender side of Lance, and I beam with pride that he is my husband.
Lance with Luke and his medal
His team, the Mavericks, ended the season in 5th place out of 8 teams.  They really grew as a team, and learned so much under my husband.  I’m very proud of all of them.
As much as the parents were complimentary to Lance, they shared mutual respect, admiration, and praises about Brandon.  Brandon is the best, most skilled and experienced player on the team, and he has such a gift to be an extraordinary leader.  He does not abuse his talent or power, but he uses his leadership to help elevate the other players.  He shares the ball.  He does everything he can to help his team become better players.  He encourages them.  One of the players on the team, the least experienced and youngest, made her first two baskets because of Brandon.  He told her to get close to the basket, and he would do everything he could to get the ball to her so that she could shoot.  He kept doing this until she finally scored.  Her face lit up with shock and pride, and you know what?  It was because of my son.  He could easily assume the role as the star and his ego could inflate, but he is modest, caring, and so unselfish.  As much as I am proud of Lance, I am  even more proud of Brandon.  At such a young age, he is showing such compassion and maturity.  He is the epitome of a true leader who does everything they can to help their teammates.

my little speedy point guard

Brandon shoots a free throw

This season I am moved to tears.  It wasn't just about the great game of basketball.  It's about building character, and through this season,  I saw the goodness of character in my husband and son.  I feel such pride.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Wedding and A Belated Mother's Day Celebration

Dates are so important in a marriage, and I mean going out with your signifant other , away from kids, duties etc....Just you and them reconnecting.  We have been so preoccupied that we’ve neglected to have some “fun” time as a couple; something our marriage needed. 

Our friends Kim and Raul were married last Saturday, and we were able to be a part of this blessed ceremony.  Kim looked ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING as she walked to meet Raul.  I loved her dress, her hair. She was radiant.  She was overwhelmed with emotion, and I could not stop the flow of my own tears as I watched her. 
Raul and Kim are perfect for each other.  They truly belong together.  I could not be happier for them.  They are active, fun-loving, positive, energetic, and amazing people. They are a part of our runners’ group. We have traveled to Napa Valley, Arizona, and Florida with them.  Like me, they are picture whores, and as expected, pictures were a common theme in their wedding.  A slide show was on multiple screens, and I didn’t realize how many events we did with them.  We were in so many of their photos.

The wedding was absolutely elegant.  It was probably one of the most beautiful yet fun weddings I have ever been to.  Yes, I put  in an advance request in with Kim for seating assignments. We started a dialogue on Facebook with some other guests about who we wanted at our table.  Kim made the hilarious comment, “my wedding is not Ragnar van assignments.” I couldn’t help but laugh.  She did well though and sat us all at the same table.  These people are such a fun group, and I cherish all the races we did together… many wonderful memories that have not been lost because of the thousands of photos we took.   Kim and Raul had a photo booth at their wedding, and let's just say I visited that booth quite frequently.  I also danced and danced while Lance watched and watched. 

Nicole, Boobs, GG, and me

Lance looks like a giant
beautiful, sexy Olga

This table ROCKS!

The Wades and the Cardenas

Our running group....yeah, let's schedule another race!
Being at their wedding and listening to their vows made me feel sentimental inside. I held Lance’s hand during the ceremony, and we would periodically look at each other with loving confirmation of how wonderful marriage is...The perfect date for couples is to go to a wedding because it  reaffirms the beauty of marriage and love.  Kim and Raul had a wine “time capsule”.  I’m not sure what you call it, but they placed a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a love letter to each other in a box that they would open on their one-year anniversary. In fact, at every anniversary, they would put a new wine bottle and new letters.  It would be a tradition.  I just fell in love with the idea and so did Lance.  Yes, we are a little late but we are going to make our own wine box time capsule.  Additionally, after the beautiful couple exchanged vows, the officiant asked the guests to make a vow and commitment to Kim and Raul that we would support their marriage and would always be there for them.  I absolutely loved that idea to. 

I’m so happy for Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas.  Marriage is a beautiful thing.  It truly is....

Lance stayed home this weekend, and on Sunday, we were able to celebrate Mother’s Day with him.  We went to an Indian food brunch.  I love the food, and I was uncertain as to how the kids would react to the food, but they also loved it.  I still cannot believe that we will be in India in six months. 

Lance bought me some diamond earrings, a selfie stick, and a Navy shirt.  It was all such perfect gifts, but the most cherished gift was just being with him and my children.  We went to Gisler again. I practiced softball with Mia. The boys played basketball while Buddy and Bella ran freely. 
It was a perfect weekend that reminded me how blessed I am.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Guys Weekend Recap

Once a year, Lance and his friend Keith spend a long weekend together in San Diego on the boat.  This was a tradition that started before he met me, and it is a tradition that continues.  Over Mother’s Day weekend, the guys had their 'guys' weekend. Keith arrived in San Diego Wednesday morning.

I’m going to admit that I was a little peeved that his guys weekend was scheduled on Mother’s Day weekend.  After lamenting about it, I recognized that the schedule conflict was not intentional.  Guys just don’t plan that well.  It is in their nature.  Birthdays, holidays, family and school reunions....these type of events are always planned by women.  Ok, occasionally you have a man doing it, but the bulk of any great event has women behind it.  Lance promised he would celebrate Mother’s Day the following weekend, and of course, I was ultimately ok with the deferral of Mother’s Day.

When Keith arrived, they spent the first day just catching up.  The following day, Lance helped a friend transport her yacht, and Keith got to go along for the ride.  The guys spent alot of time on the dinghy.  They visited the San Diego Maritime Museum and Cabrillo Park.  They drank whisky, and surprisingly, they also did get some work completed on the boat.  They installed a satellite dish, and Keith was very generous and purchased a TV for Tide the Knott.  They watched some Nascar and just enjoyed catching up and reminiscing about old times.

As I was not a part of the trip, the photos were limited to just a few snapshots.  I’m glad my husband got to hang out with his buddy.  He deserves this guy time!


Mother's Day 2015

Mother’s Day this year was almost perfect.

I spent the first part of the weekend with my little Princess. Just me and my little girl.  I picked her up from school early on Friday, and we drove to San Diego. We spent the afternoon shopping and picking up our race bibs.  We ordered take out dinner together and headed back to our hotel room to relax.   I love my daughter so much but that girl can talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. 

Why didn’t we stay at the boat?  Lance had his friend Keith visiting so I did not want to intrude on their guys weekend.  I wanted to be respectful of his time.  It was hard to be such a short distance from him and ‘not’ see him.

Mia picking up her bib

Dinner at the hotel room

The following morning, Mia and I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to participate in the Girls on the Go 5k race.  This is the perfect race to celebrate women and mothers and daughters.  Mia ran this race, her first 5k ever, one year ago, so this past Saturday marked her one –year running anniversary.  I wanted so much for her to get a personal record (PR), and she was about 45 seconds short of that goal.  Though disappointed, I also know you can’t get a PR in every race.  I’m proud that she is continuing to run.  She has done and accomplished much more than I ever have at her age.

Before the race

Pre race photo

Mia gets her girlicious medal.

We returned back to Orange County late Saturday morning so we could attend the closing ceremonies for softball.  I’m going to miss this team.  All of the players are wonderful little girls.  We then went to basketball evaluations, and as expected, Brandon did well.  I’m looking forward to an exciting Summer basketball season because both Mia and Brandon will be playing for Lance.  Mia is so thrilled.  To conclude the day, the kids and I went out for Greek food and the movies. We watched the Avengers.  By the time we got home, Mia completely crashed. 

Closing cermeonies.  What a great group of girls!

Our team page in the memory book.

Mia with her friend Samantha.  They played on the same team last year as well.

These are not from closing ceremony, but i love these shots!
Basketball evaluations

Sunday morning, we went to El Torrito for Mothers’ Day Brunch. What a madhouse! I enjoyed the meal, but wow!!!  I could have done without the crowd. The kids were so excited to give me their gifts.  Mia made me a dozen cards, and she collected all of her change to give me. Brandon, my little genius who is so financially savvy, gave me $10 dollars.  Here is a boy who earns $5 a week in allowance yet he has over $400 saved.  He made me a card as well with a precious bookmark with his photo.  Dylan, like Commander, is going to give me a special gift next week. I don’t need material gifts.  I just want to spend time with them.

Holding all of my cards.  These mean the world to me.

more precious gifts.

We spent Mother’s Day afternoon at Gisler Elementary.  I love going to Gisler. The dogs join us and run and fetch in complete freedom.  Mia cycled around the school.  The boys played basketball and dodgeball.  Sometimes we play catch or practice batting.  That Sunday, the kids invented an obstacle course in the playground, and we had friendly competitions.  I am so proud of the fact that I’m 43 years old, and I have the energy and stamina to physically play with my kids.   

Since Lance wasn’t able to celebrate with us, we are officially celebrating Mother’s Day as a family next weekend. I’m going to admit that I was very disappointed that Lance wasn’t home on Mother’s Day, but I guess I can ease my disappointment knowing now I get to be spoiled with two celebrations.  We are  going to an Indian restaurant for brunch.  I’m excited to introduce the culture of India to my kids, and I hope they like it, because for two weeks, it will be their diet.

Being a mother is my greatest blessing.  Everything I do in life is with my children in mind.  It was a simple yet wonderful Mother's Day.  Lance's absence made it short from being perfect.

Yes, one of my special requests for Mother's Day was to do some photos with my babies. We set up the tripod, and they were very obliging. 

My babies....all five of them....