Monday, July 14, 2014

2014 Costume Party Run-San Diego, California

I love the camaraderie that running brings.  It has now expanded into a family activity as both Brandon and Mia are starting to run 5k races. 
This past weekend was another insanely BUSY weekend.  We had a basketball game on Friday night and another one on Saturday morning with our team, the Blue Gryphons.  Following the game, we drove to San Diego to run the Costume Party Run at Qualcomm Stadium on Sunday.
There was a big group of 12 of us running.  Six were doing the 5k race, and the other six were running the half marathon.  The reason I wanted to do this race was because of the gigantic medal.  It is by far the best medal I have ever received.  It is the size of a CD with a disco ball that rotates in the center.  This race is a one of the Superhero Events.  They organize the Hollywood Half Marathon as well, and I absolutely love their races because it has a unique family atmosphere to it.  The directors are incredibly personnel.  They gather feedback from participants and try to implement suggestions when possible.  I will always try to support Superhero Events when I can.
When we arrived in San Diego on Saturday afternoon, the kids did some jumping off the boat bow and swimming around the dock.  They had a blast.  Lance quickly organized the boat because we were having our first overnight guests on Tide the Knott.  Jorge Duran, Raul Duran, and GG all stayed on the boat overnight.  Lance’s employee Maryam and her husband Eric (aka Hairy) came by as well for drinks.  They all sat out on the foredeck talking until close to midnight.   Lance gave everyone a tour.  We had nine of us overnight on the boat. It was fun.  We also ate at the local Pizza Nova for our carb load dinner.
What I love about my running friends is they are all picture whores!  We take picture after picture and as GG says, "I need to approve it."  Lance thinks we are nuts but he does his best to accommodate our need for the camera.  Lance and Maryam laughed as I pulled out my tripod for group photos.

The half marathon runners

Dinner at Pizza Nova

Dinner at Pizza Nova with our running hats.

Romantic kiss under the full moon
The Costume Party Run is not a scenic course.  In fact, I didn’t like the course.  It was rolling hills (a challenge) and the street was slanted on many parts of the route.  Running on slanted pavement is not good for my knees.  I ran about 4 miles, and my knee started to hurt so I put on my double brace, and the pain subsided.   It was also hot, hot, hot.  The race started at 6:30 a.m., which helped, but it still was hot out there.  The half marathon course looped around Qualcomm Stadium before running down Friars Road and back.  We drove two separate cars; one with the 5k participants and the other with the half marathon runners.  We dressed as superheroes for our costumes.  It wasn’t that original, but there is no way I could run a half marathon in costume.  I sweat too much.  The other runners didn’t have that many outrageous costumes. 

yes, I pulled the tripod out at the stadium parking lot to take a group photo
I have to share though that I saw something I have never seen before in a race.  There was a girl who was running in front of me. She was dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle.  She had one of those long tube mini dresses on.  Well, here is the thing….as she ran, her dress kept sliding up and I am not kidding.  Her entire ass was shown.  She had no underwear on.  I mean….I am NOT kidding.  I saw her entire ass.  I didn’t see her from the front, but I can only imagine. She kept pulling the dress down but five seconds later, it would ride back up.  This was early on in the race too….perhaps within the first 2 miles.  Wow. 
Mia ran with Lance the entire 5k race.  She held his hand.  He kept telling her she didn’t have to, but she would not let go of him.  She would say, “You see that girl, Commander? I’m going to beat her.”  And they would run until they past her. She did this throughout the entire race.  Ah, she is learning from me and has a little bit of a competitive streak in her. 
Brandon ran with my nephew Jayson, but I failed to tell them to look for the sign for the 5K turn around.  My mistake.  I had passed the 5k turnaround by at least a half mile if not more and the next thing I know, I see Brandon and Jayson right next to me.  I was shocked and quickly asked them, “What are you guys doing? You were supposed to turn around way back there.  Turn around!  Turn around! Turn around!”  Dylan later told me he saw them too, and they were planning on just running the half with him, but he was adamant about them turning back.  I figure those two boys ran between 4 – 5 miles.  We had a chip tied to our shoe and to receive your medal, you turned in your chip.  Well, Dylan tied the chip to Brandon and Jayson’s shoe, and it fell off during the race because it was not tied securely.  They would not give the boys a medal.  Brandon cried, which I could understand.  He ran the 5k, and everyone was getting a medal, but not him.  Lance was so sweet and gave him his medal, and Eric (Maryam’s husband) gave Jayson his medal.  I learned about this after I crossed the finish line for the half marathon.  I saw Sabrina, the race director, and told her what happened.  She was so wonderful and just went to the medal station and handed me over the two medals.
Even though I didn't like the course as much because of the rolling hills and slanted pavement, this is one of my favorite half marathons.  It was easy and convenient.  Parking was ample.  They didn't charge us an additional fee to park.  The after party was awesome as they had great music on and people dancing.  It was a good size race, but not ridiculously overcrowded as some races can be.  It was perfect. favorite is that big ass medal!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have hardly run.  My total mileage in June was 15 miles, and in July, I only ran 3 miles.  I was uncertain as to how I would fare during this race. I have been working out so I did do satisfactorily.  Here are the official times of our group (minus Brandon and Jayson who lost their chip).
Mia                        44:27
Lance                    44:29     (Lance got first place in his division.  There were only three runners, and he ran with Mia, but still….he placed 1st!)
Maryam               45:59
Eric                         46:00
Half Marathon
GG                         2:08:17
Jorge                     2:05:39
Raul                       1:52:36
Dylan                     2:16:26
Liz                           2:17:52
Damaris                3:09:01
When we returned home, all the kids got their medals out and began counting them.  Some of these medals are from other sports like jiu jitsu and cheerleading.  Brandon, Mia, and even Jayson want to do more races!  They are getting the addiction.  Next month, the kids are scheduled to do an Awesome 80s 5k run.  I was scheduled to do it with them, but I booked a flight to Idaho and did not pay attention to the calendar.  They are super excited and want their collection to grow!  This is a great habit/hobby to develop so I’m completely encouraging them.
Sleepy, tired kids after the race on the drive back home to OC
One last note, our dogs either had a panic attack or were rebelling against us leaving them home.  Lance predicted that we would come home to a mess.  Each time that we leave them home for an extended period of time, we come home to a surprise.  They went through the pantry cabinet and got into everything.  What a mess they made for us!
the mess the dogs left for us.

Poor Dylan had to wake up at 7 a.m. this morning to attend cross country camp! Haha.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Visit to the Queen Mary for Dylan's Birthday

I felt a little guilty.  Dylan’s birthday was on June 18, 2014.  He didn’t want any party or a dinner or anything.  With everything going on, we didn’t actually celebrate his birthday until two weeks later.  He insisted that nothing be done, but we had to do something.

On Sunday, July 6, we celebrated Dylan’s 15th birthday with a champagne brunch on the Queen Mary.  It was a costly brunch, but we got free admission into the Queen Mary so it was well worth it.  Plus, since there was no party for Dylan this year, I didn’t agonize too much on the cost.  The brunch was his party.  The brunch was held at the Grand Ballroom on the Queen Mary, and so with a little imagination, I could picture the ship in its heyday.  I ate everything.  I love buffet.  I get excited about it.  One of my greatest pleasures is eating.  I just love love love to eat.  I think Brandon got my money’s worth because he loves crab legs and prime rib.  Mia did not get my money’s worth because she stuck to pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches. 
After our lunch, we did a tour around the Queen Mary.  It was the kids’ first time. I have been to the Queen Mary a few times.  Lance had not been here since before his mission.  Lance was very excited to share his knowledge about the engine room.  We have decided that we may go to dinner there one night.  It would be quite romantic.


I wanted to work out after four days of devouring  every edible thing put in front of me, but I felt so exhausted so when we came home, I did nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  In fact, I feel like I have some type of bug.  My body is just so weak and exhausted.

I can’t believe my boy is now 15.  He is growing into an amazing young man.  I’m very proud of him.  He is a good kid. He is caring, selfless, and has a good heart.  I couldn’t ask for a better son. 
Happy 15th Birthday Dylan.

(if my writing sucks, it is because I’m so freaking tired!)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Independence Day, America!

I have had four days reprieve from work so why is it that I’m so exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open and body moving?  Maybe it’s because we did so much. 
We ALL went to San Diego for the long July 4th weekend.  When I say all, I also mean our canine children, Buddy and Bella.  We arrived Thursday afternoon, and Lance took all the kids (canine included) to a nearby beach while I went to the store to stock up on grocery items etc.  When they returned, we had our very first meal as a family on the boat.  Lance recently installed our new gas range, and I cooked on it for the first time.  We had chicken, scalloped potatoes, and Caesar salad.  The evening was spent just relaxing.  The kids watched a movie. 
Our first family meal on Tide the Knott and me cooking? Yep, that's right!
On July 4th, we took the dinghy and rode up to San Diego Harbor where we got a unique close up view of the ships in the maritime museum.  Following that, we drove to a beach next to the Coronado bridge where we swam endlessly.  We had packed a picnic lunch, and it was a wonderful afternoon.  Lance was eager to return back to Tide the Knott before the harbor got even more crowded.  Because of the holiday, there were boats everywhere.  The return ride on the dinghy was a little bumpier than what we were accustomed to, but it was still fun.

great view of the San Diego skyline
Brandon and Dylan by the Midway Museum


yep, that is Dylan and Brandon way out there. 

Mia and Brandon's sand fort.

I love this family photo.

I love this photo of Mia.  It's classic!

For July 4th, I made burgers.  We had delicious strawberry, blueberry shortcake for dessert.  Basically, my diet was thrown out the window.  We watched a movie to kill the time before the 9 p.m. firework show began.  Lance stayed on the bridge with the two dogs while we sat on the foredeck.  Wow! It was amazing.  The 20-minute show was probably one of the best I had ever seen.  Of course, I remember as a child watching the firework show by the Washington Monument in DC with my family so I don’t think anything can compare to that, but this was a very close second.  There were four sequential firework shows in the air.  Poor Lance did not get to enjoy it.  The dogs, as we expected, freaked.  Bella cowered in fear.  Buddy was ready to bolt somewhere to safety.  He was petrified.  Lance had to wrestle him to the ground and use his might to hold him down.  Lance said, “it was the longest 20 minutes ever….”  The dogs did survive though they were very frightened.  It was hard to get them to calm down for the rest of the night.

Lance got drunk.  I think I have only seen him drunk less than 5 times in our marriage, and that night, he was drunk.  He went to bed and faintly recalled the activities from the evening.
We returned to Orange County on Saturday afternoon.  I took a quick nap and then headed to the gym.  I don’t know, but I was so exhausted.  However, I felt obligated to work out after consuming the vast amount of unhealthy foods.  I also knew we were going to the Queen Mary on Sunday for a belated birthday celebration for Dylan, but that will be another post.
Lance called me up this morning and was so grateful for all that I had done to make the weekend so memorable.  He said it was one of the best 4th of July’s he ever had…..Well, I didn’t do much.  I did cook quite a bit, but it was actually him who did everything to make it such a great weekend.  I loved spending time with the family, and the boat is getting more and more comfortable.  It does still feel like we are doing an upscale camping trip, and I know it won’t always be like that, but for now, it’s actually kind of fun.

Lance, Bella, and Buddy's bed