Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Wedding and A Belated Mother's Day Celebration

Dates are so important in a marriage, and I mean going out with your signifant other , away from kids, duties etc....Just you and them reconnecting.  We have been so preoccupied that we’ve neglected to have some “fun” time as a couple; something our marriage needed. 

Our friends Kim and Raul were married last Saturday, and we were able to be a part of this blessed ceremony.  Kim looked ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING as she walked to meet Raul.  I loved her dress, her hair. She was radiant.  She was overwhelmed with emotion, and I could not stop the flow of my own tears as I watched her. 
Raul and Kim are perfect for each other.  They truly belong together.  I could not be happier for them.  They are active, fun-loving, positive, energetic, and amazing people. They are a part of our runners’ group. We have traveled to Napa Valley, Arizona, and Florida with them.  Like me, they are picture whores, and as expected, pictures were a common theme in their wedding.  A slide show was on multiple screens, and I didn’t realize how many events we did with them.  We were in so many of their photos.

The wedding was absolutely elegant.  It was probably one of the most beautiful yet fun weddings I have ever been to.  Yes, I put  in an advance request in with Kim for seating assignments. We started a dialogue on Facebook with some other guests about who we wanted at our table.  Kim made the hilarious comment, “my wedding is not Ragnar van assignments.” I couldn’t help but laugh.  She did well though and sat us all at the same table.  These people are such a fun group, and I cherish all the races we did together…..so many wonderful memories that have not been lost because of the thousands of photos we took.   Kim and Raul had a photo booth at their wedding, and let's just say I visited that booth quite frequently.  I also danced and danced while Lance watched and watched. 

Nicole, Boobs, GG, and me

Lance looks like a giant
beautiful, sexy Olga

This table ROCKS!

The Wades and the Cardenas

Our running group....yeah, let's schedule another race!
Being at their wedding and listening to their vows made me feel sentimental inside. I held Lance’s hand during the ceremony, and we would periodically look at each other with loving confirmation of how wonderful marriage is...The perfect date for couples is to go to a wedding because it  reaffirms the beauty of marriage and love.  Kim and Raul had a wine “time capsule”.  I’m not sure what you call it, but they placed a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a love letter to each other in a box that they would open on their one-year anniversary. In fact, at every anniversary, they would put a new wine bottle and new letters.  It would be a tradition.  I just fell in love with the idea and so did Lance.  Yes, we are a little late but we are going to make our own wine box time capsule.  Additionally, after the beautiful couple exchanged vows, the officiant asked the guests to make a vow and commitment to Kim and Raul that we would support their marriage and would always be there for them.  I absolutely loved that idea to. 

I’m so happy for Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas.  Marriage is a beautiful thing.  It truly is....

Lance stayed home this weekend, and on Sunday, we were able to celebrate Mother’s Day with him.  We went to an Indian food brunch.  I love the food, and I was uncertain as to how the kids would react to the food, but they also loved it.  I still cannot believe that we will be in India in six months. 

Lance bought me some diamond earrings, a selfie stick, and a Navy shirt.  It was all such perfect gifts, but the most cherished gift was just being with him and my children.  We went to Gisler again. I practiced softball with Mia. The boys played basketball while Buddy and Bella ran freely. 
It was a perfect weekend that reminded me how blessed I am.

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