Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Guys Weekend Recap

Once a year, Lance and his friend Keith spend a long weekend together in San Diego on the boat.  This was a tradition that started before he met me, and it is a tradition that continues.  Over Mother’s Day weekend, the guys had their 'guys' weekend. Keith arrived in San Diego Wednesday morning.

I’m going to admit that I was a little peeved that his guys weekend was scheduled on Mother’s Day weekend.  After lamenting about it, I recognized that the schedule conflict was not intentional.  Guys just don’t plan that well.  It is in their nature.  Birthdays, holidays, family and school reunions....these type of events are always planned by women.  Ok, occasionally you have a man doing it, but the bulk of any great event has women behind it.  Lance promised he would celebrate Mother’s Day the following weekend, and of course, I was ultimately ok with the deferral of Mother’s Day.

When Keith arrived, they spent the first day just catching up.  The following day, Lance helped a friend transport her yacht, and Keith got to go along for the ride.  The guys spent alot of time on the dinghy.  They visited the San Diego Maritime Museum and Cabrillo Park.  They drank whisky, and surprisingly, they also did get some work completed on the boat.  They installed a satellite dish, and Keith was very generous and purchased a TV for Tide the Knott.  They watched some Nascar and just enjoyed catching up and reminiscing about old times.

As I was not a part of the trip, the photos were limited to just a few snapshots.  I’m glad my husband got to hang out with his buddy.  He deserves this guy time!


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