Friday, April 12, 2013

50 Random Thoughts About Me

1.  I get irritated when people look down upon admin support positions. I get questioned as to why I don't use my degree.  Well, I do use my degree.  I use my degree in every day life.  I'm smarter and a  more well rounded person.  I don't mind being a secretary and I see no shame in that occupation.  Plus, my annual income is higher than many many professionals. 

2.  I am a hopeless romantic, and I love "love".  My favorite novels are two romances:  Jane Eyre and Losing Julia.  I am in love with love.

3.  I don't like people who complain about their disposition and choose to do nothing about it. I don't have alot of sympathy for that.  I believe in changing what you don't like.

4.  I don't like tattoos.  I know this is against the modern day trend, but I find tattoos unattractive.

5.  If I could, I would want one more child.  The one thing missing in my perfect life is a baby with Lance, but you cant always have what you want.  I've accepted that.  I did though look up invitro fertilzation, but decided against it.

6.  I have issues with people who expect a free hand out.  I believe in hard work and being self sufficient. We may all need help occasionally and that is ok, but it should only be short term and only after you have exhausted all of your own resources. I do not believe in entitlement. I am no longer a Democrat.  Though I share some social values, my economic beliefs are conservative.  Moreover, I cannot stand a society that promotes dependence on government and a philosophy of entitlement.

7.  I majored in English and only because I had no clue as to what I wanted to do....I think at 18, you are still finding yourself.  Now, I'm 41, and if I could go back in time, I would major in kinesology with a focus on sports therapy.

8.  I'm attracted to people who are philosophical, emotional, sensitive, generous, and abnormal.  People who are a little bit f-uped are always the most interesting. 

9.  I curse a little too excessively.  It's only gotten worse.

10.  I pray regularly.  I love God very much.  I was an agnostic when I was a teenager, but the moment I became a mother, there was never a doubt of God's presence.  My children have brought me to God.  He has been so good to me, and my soul belongs to him.

11.  When I retire, if I'm not watching grandchildren or travelling, I'm going to volunteer to help rescue dogs.  It hurts me when animals are abused.  I am not that affected when something happens to people (I know that is a little peculiar), but when an act of cruelty is directed at an innocent child or an animal, it hurts me at the core.  Children and animals can't defend themselves.

12.  I want to visit Great Britain so I could do a literary tour to include notable sites of the Brontes, Austen, and Shakespeare.  I also want to visit Vietnam so I could see my heritage.  I'm very proud to be half Vietnamese.

13.  I have no patience at all.  I get irriated easily.  I need to work on that.

14.  I hate conflict, and I have a hard time saying no. However, if you hurt my family, I can be very vocal and feisty. 

15.  Things I value are God, my family, education, physical health/fitness, financial health, self sufficiency, independence, marriage.  I also believe in not judging people and trying to be kind and compassionate.

16.  I suffer from kidney stones.  I have had several attacks--two which sent me to the ER.

17.  I love just staring at my children's faces and Lance's face.  I love my family more than anything.  The meaning of my life is with my family.

18.  I want to get a tummy tuck because my stomach is just horrid.

19.  I'm satisfied with my breast size.  I don't want big boobs because they would interfere too much with my running.

20.  I'm very competitive even with myself.  I want to be the best or get better.  I trash talk incessantly, and I know I've pissed people off with my trash talk.  I play aggressively.  I don't do half assed things.

21.  I think Marilyn Monroe is probably one of the prettiest woman that ever lived.  She could be sexy and cute and vulnerable at the same time--not many woman could do that.  Most women are either cute or sexy.  It is hard to be both simultaneously.

22.  I have a crush on Eric Northam on True Blood.  He makes me goo goo ga ga!  Lance said he wouldn't trust me on a deserted island with him. 

23.  Before I met Lance, I never made my bed.  Why make it when it was just going to get messed up in a few hours? But now, I actually like the habit of making my bed.

24.  I loooooooove coconut water.  I could drink it by the gallons. I love anything coconut.  The three things I drink regularly:  coconut water, water, and coffee.  I don't drink soda or alcohol.  I hate alcohol.  My dad is an alcoholic.  Alcoholism runs in my family.  I have never been drunk in my life.

25.  I love history.  I would prefer to spend a day in a museum than in an amusement park or the beach.  I would prefer to visit historic Europe or Asia than go to Hawaii or Jamaica. 

26.  I'm a very good dancer.  I'm wild and sometimes dance like a stripper.  I love to dance, and I have no inhibitions.  If no one is on the dance floor and they play my song, I have no fear of getting in front of everyone and shaking my thing.  I use to go clubbing and dance on the elevated stages. 

27.  I listen to all kinds of music but mainly hip hop and pop.  Lance HATES my music.

28.  I still shop in the junior section in stores.  I don't really care for women's clothes. In fact, I don't think I own a pair of pants that hangs on my waist.  Everything hangs off my hips.

29. I cannot wear g-strings.  They make me pick my ass.

30.  I cannot swim very good.  I won't drown, but I can't swim distances either which is why I cannot compete in a triathlon.

31.  I attended the 1989 Oscars; great experience.

32.  I know sign language.  I don't speak Vietnamese but I could understand some.

33.  I've completed one full marathon--LA Marathon 2011.

34.  I am a planner.  I don't live by the moment.  I believe in establishing security.  I believe in responsibility.

35.  I don't believe in illegal immigration reform.  I believe illegal immigrants should be deported. 

36.  I voted for Romney in the last election. 

37.  I have asked my kids.  a.) don't ever get a tattoo b.) get your college degree c) take care of your health--exercise, exercise, exercise.  I really advocate for exercise.  I do it more for my mental health than anything.

38.  I did try (half assed) to commit suicide once when I was a teenager.  It was after a break up from a relationship.  I didn't really want to kill myself, but I took about 20 pills and then five mins later, I took myself to the ER. What an idiot!  It is the stupidest thing I have ever done. 

39.  I'm very athletic.  I have always been athletic.  I've excelled at every sport I have ever played.  My competitive nature makes me hussle. I play hard.  I was a tomboy when I was younger.  I am an athlete, and I kick ass.

40.  I have been in one physical fight in my life.  It was with my ex sister in law.

41.  I am not afraid of dying.  I am afraid of losing the people I love.  I'm also afraid of rodents.

42.  I wanted to be an actress when I was a little girl.  I know everything about old Hollywood.  I don't know why, but I have a photographic memory about old Hollywood.

43.  I wore braces from the age of 13-15.  I wore glasses from the age of 8 -31.  I then got Lasik.  My eyes were so bad that I couldn't tell the difference between conditioner and shampoo in the shower unless it was three inches from my face.  My eyesight was like -6.75.  I'm afraid of going blind.

44.  I loooooove to eat.  I have a big appetite.  I am not a dainty eater.  I love Vietnamese food, spicy food, shellfish.  I also love sweets.  I have a hard time controlling my sweet tooth.  I love buffets.  I get super excited when I get to go to a buffet. 

45.  I can't cook. I can't draw.  I can't play a musical instrument.  I can't sing.  I am a good writer.  I'm a good actress. I'm a good dancer.  I'm a good athlete.  I'm a good public speaker.  I'm also a good lover. 

46.  I am double jointed and bow legged, and I bite my nails.  I also have bunions on my feet.

47.  My ring size is size 5; shoe size is size 6.5 or 7, pants size 7  (juniors).

48.   I have no inhibitions, but this doesn't mean I'm painfully shy and I get terribly nervous, because I do.  I am very comfortable with who I am. I'm so comfortable in my own skin.  I don't get embarrassed easily.  I know who I am, and I like who I am.

49.  I have a dresser devoted exclusively to work out/gym wear.

50.  I'm not into name brands except for Nike and Adidas.  I am a Nike and Adidas whore.


  1. I read every word and loved this! I can whole heartedly relate to 17, 18, 19, 41,& 44.

  2. Hi Elizabeth! Just hopped over to your blog and enjoyed reading these. I agree with SO many of these except I didn't major in English! I'm ubber competitive too and that's awesome you got to go to the Oscars before! And oooo girl, I work from home and run almost everyday so my entire closet is mostly workout clothes. I'm a UA slut. :) Anyway, cute blog and I hope you'll stop by mine sometime!

    PS - I just saw you have word verification on.... see my blog for how to turn it off!

  3. Thanks Sarah. i will check out your blog, but what are you talking about regarding word verification? i have no idea what I'm doing. I just do the very basics on this blog. I'm very limited on my knowledge about blogging. Help.
