Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Things Happen for a Reason

I pray.  Most of my prayers are prayers of thanks, but occasionally, I do pray for something.  I pray for people who are suffering and who are in pain.  I also, on occasion, pray for my own selfish desires/needs. 

I applied for a lower position at OCTA, and I was deeply conflicted about my desires, but I proceeded forward, completed an application and interview.  During this process, I prayed to God.  I prayed NOT that I would get the job.  What I did pray for was that God would do what was best for me and my family because I was uncertain as to what I wanted. 

God is really good to me; and I just start to cry because I feel so blessed.

I'm 99.9 percent certain that I did not get that job, and I feel relieved.  I did what I had to do and I left my fate in God's hand,  I have trust in his guidance. At the end of the fiscal year, the potential earnings for each position will increase by $5,000 which means my earning potential will increase.  I learned something about myself in this process, and that is though I often say money isn't important; it actually is....I want to make good money. I want to provide more for my family.  I want to give my children more opportunities. 

We had a leadership transition at OCTA this past two months.  I have a new boss (CEO) now, and though I adored his predecessor, he was a NUT to work for.  My new boss is much better. My level of stress will be dramatically reduced.

Things happen for a reason.  Sometimes you may not understand what that reason is and you may be disappointed, but there is always a reason for everything.  Years ago, I applied for three jobs, and I was rejected.  At the time, I was very frustrated because I could not understand why, but if I did get those jobs, I would not be in the job I have now, and this job (though stressful at times) has really been a blessing.  Additionally, Lance was fired from the City of San Diego because he disagreed with the Mayor's unethical behavior. At the time, he was very upset but had he never been fired, he would have never sought employment and come to work at OCTA.  If he never worked at OCTA, he would have never met me.  I want to write that Mayor and express my thanks to him for firing Lance.

With all that being said, I will stay where I am, not take a pay cut, continue to earn more, and be grateful....very grateful for so many things. 

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