Monday, March 9, 2015

Get Air: Birthday Party Time

It is so easy to get immersed in the hustle of life that you seldom stop to take a moment to just remember how truly precious time is and how fast it does go by.  I cannot believe that my Brandon is now 10, and my little baby girl is almost 8.  My greatest joy in life are my children.  They give my life so much meaning and my heart is filled with such warmth, love, and laughter.

Every year, I always try to convince them to skip out of having a party.  I try to bargain with them that instead of a party, how about I spend the money I would save on a more extravagant birthday gift?  Without fail, each year, they reject all of my persuasions.  We always end up throwing a a party, and frankly, I am so grateful that we do.  It is about making treasured memories.

With all of the activities on Saturdays for not just my kids, but all of their friends, I try to avoid Saturdays.  This year, they had their birthday on a Friday night at Get Air, a trampoline park, in Huntington Beach.  There were about 15 kids who spent 90 minutes running and jumping uncontrollably on the trampolines.  Following that, we spent the next 45 minutes eating pizza, having cake, opening presents, and laughing.

Every year since they were born (except one year), they have had joint birthday parties, but I do my best to give them singular attention at the party by buying each their own cake, and yes, singing happy birthday twice. It is like two parties in one.

Dylan jumps into the foam pit.
Mia with her cousin Samantha
Brandon with his friends
Dodge ball

That's my girl!

Mia and her friends in the foam pit

Birthday boy and girl

Love the smile on Brandon

Opening a few gifts. We didn't have time to open most of them.
Ooooh,yummy frosting!
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Party with the girls

Mia with her friends

some of the many party guests

Happy Birthday Brandon and Mia!  I love you both more than you know.

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