Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Goals

I started writing a recap of the events that took place in 2014, but instead of focusing on the past, I thought it is better to divert our energy and attention to the future.  I want to have goals.  You have to always have goals because otherwise you stop growing and developing personally and professionally.  So, what are our goals for 2015?
Lance wants to lose 30 lbs.  He was doing so well, but when he had the ear surgery, his exercise stopped while he recovered and when he healed and was given permission to return to the gym, the habit was already broken and the motivation lost.  The holidays came and the weight slowly crept back on.  I recognize that I am an enabler because I buy him his favorite ice creams.  He cannot say no to ice cream.  He snacks because everything is available at home.  I am trying to be better.  I know I'm partially responsible, and right now, I don't have the time to train him.  He needs me to train him because he never pushes himself pass his comfort zone in fitness.  Lance also wants to be able to do 100 push ups and hold the plank for three minutes.
Lance also wants to continue restoring Tide the Knott.  He hopes to have our upstairs bedroom completely done.  He installed two windows which just open the room to an amazing view of the ocean.  He also hopes to have another bathroom complete with a shower.  Perhaps, we can spend more weekends here next year in 2015 as it becomes more comfortable.  Lance often tells me that having the dogs is such a blessing but they are also a burden to our lifestyle because I cannot go with him to San Diego regularly.  I have to watch the dogs. We have tried to take the dogs, but Lance isn’t able to get much work done because they are attached to his leg.  The follow him wherever he goes, and poor Bella does not like the loud noises from the tools.
Lance also wants to make a more diligent effort to talk regularly to his kids….at least twice a month.  It is so easy to get immersed in the business of daily life that you forget to nurture your distant relationships.  Lance also needs to get out to see Jaxon, our 4th grandson who was born last February.  He is almost a year, and we have not seen him.

Dylan needs to focus on improving his grades.  His big goal for 2015 will be, however, to get his driver’s liscense.  Yes, he is going to be 16 in mid 2015.  I have mixed emotions about him tackling this because it is a huge responsibility. Insurance for a teenage boy in California is astronomical, but I do believe him being able to drive will help relieve the burden placed on Lance and I. He could help take Mia/Brandon to their activities. I don’t have to give Dylan rides to his practices etc.  Plus, I can make him be my little “bitch” and go pick up some candy or Chinese food when I’m too tired to get out of bed.  
It is hoped that Dylan will get his first job next year too.  Of course, this is dependent upon his grades.  Dylan wants to work as a referee for the city’s basketball program.  He already has connections since he has been actively involved in the program as a player at age 9 and then now as a coach. 


I personally want Brandon to get into GATE (Gifted and Talented Enrichment Program).  He was not admitted last year, which I have trouble comprehending because he is just such a gifted child.  I was in GATE and if I was allowed to be in GATE then Brandon by far meets the criteria because he is a thousand times smarter than I ever was at his age.  He is inquisitive and just has a grasp of complex issues.  Let me just say this.....he loves to watch the show Homeland.  What 9-year old boy can understand that show and not grow bored? 

Brandon will no longer play baseball.  I’m not too disappointed (long games and practices).  He will still play flag football and basketball. 

Mia struggles with school, and I just want her to reach a point where she is no longer struggling.  She lacks confidence which I think is her greatest impediment.  She is a bright girl, and I want her to believe in herself and how absolutely amazing she is.  She will continue to play softball.  Yes, I’m a sadistic and want to torture myself with long practices and double header games.  I also want her to pursue running because I think she has potential to be a great runner.  My goal is to have her complete her first half marathon at age 12.  Maybe Disneyland?  Mia wants to do cheerleading again so we will try to fit that in the schedule.

Bella has regressed back to periodic potty/poop accidents in the house.  Her anxiety has worsened.  She is no longer on her medication, and we are just dealing with it the best way we can.  I want the dogs to have more excursions to the boat. The dogs absolutely love the water. Buddy will swim endlessly.  I want them to feel that the boat is their second home. We are not at a point right now where we can just leave the dogs on the boat and go out to dinner or run an errand.  While in San Diego, someone has to be with the dogs all the time.

I will run the 2015 LA Marathon in March, and my goal is to decrease my finish time by 10 – 15 mins.  Will I ever run another marathon again?  I think so because I really want Dylan to run the 2016 marathon with me.  Once he runs one with me, I think my marathon days are done.  When the marathon is done, I'll go back to my weight training, and I want to be able to do 50 male push-ups and 5 mins of the plank.  The most I have ever done was 4 mins of the plank and 40 male push ups.
I also applied for a new position.  Change is always scary, but I think I have a great chance.  I’m doing it mainly to expedite my early retirement.  I want to retire at 52 (Lance will retire the same year at 65) and this new position will shorten my work period by two years.  I do pray, but I will not pray for this job.  What I do pray for is that God just does what is best for my family and me because I don’t always know, and he does.  I have faith in him. 
As a family, we are traveling to India in November.  It is 10 ½ months away.  I’ve already created a draft itinerary.  I’m anal. 

2015, we are ready!!!!

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