Monday, October 13, 2014

Long Beach Half Marathon 2014

This weekend marked the kick start of my training for the LA Marathon.  I have not run that often.  In fact, the longest distance I’ve run in the last three months was only 6 miles.  Moreover, I only run maybe twice a week.  My primary focus has been doing plyometric exercises using body weight and free weights. 

The Long Beach Half Marathon was held this past weekend, and I was uncertain as to how well I would do.  I did not want to push myself and become injured so I decided to be cautious and conservative.  Dylan and I agreed to run together, take it easy, stop to admire the scenery, take a few photos, and just have fun.  I didn’t know if this was possible because my competitive nature never takes a backseat.  Dylan quit cross country and is now in wrestling so he has not been running at all. How would we do? It was completely unpredictable.  Neither of us were properly trained, but then again, that is always my excuse. I NEVER train for a half marathon.  The only race I've ever trained for was the LA Marathon.


Dylan with his bib at the expo

On Saturday night, our running friends met for a carb load dinner at an Italian restaurant, Bucca di Peppo.  Everyone asked about Lance, and I missed having him at the dinner, but he was in San Diego.  Every few months when a race is scheduled, we usually try to get together for a carb load dinner, a celebratory lunch/brunch, and photo opportunities.  This group is as narcissistic as I am and it is just photo after photo after photo.  I know we must be annoying.

Carb Load Dinner---we all hated the shirts

The Long Beach Half Marathon is a pretty course because you get magnificent views of the ocean, Queen Mary, and Shoreline Village.  However, it is not one of my favorite courses because the  majority of the running is on concrete.  Dylan and I ran the first 7 miles together.  We stopped to take photos.  I even went to the bathroom.  This is something I never do during a race.  I’m too competitive and usually try to ignore the urge to go because it will affect my time too much.  At mile 7, Dylan was really dragging.  I was not a very good and supportive mother.  I said, “Dylan.  Are you ok? You are going really slow. Why don’t you take some GU? Get some energy.”  He declined to take the GU.  I replied, “Dylan, you haven’t taken any.  You need that little push.  You need the energy. You're dragging. ”  He looked at me completely annoyed (and so he should be).  I then asked, “Do you want me to just take off and meet you at the finish line?” He grumbled, “yes.”  So there you have it! I abandoned my son at mile 7 and took off. 

Before the race in beautiful downtown Long Beach

Before the race

Dylan with the Queen Mary in the background

Running on the concrete along the beach

Beautiful Lighthouse in Long Beach

I’ve always wanted to take a photo at the last mile sign, but I was always too competitive to stop for a photo, but this time, I did. I figured my time was already screwed up so why not? I got the photo and then ran the last .1 miles.


Mile 13 Photo Op

So my official time was 2:25:19.  Ok, this time isn’t something to boast about but considering all the stops I made for photos and the bathroom break, I was pretty damn proud.  Dylan finished in probably one of his worst times ever at 2:39:03.  He was just having an off day.  When we went to eat buffet brunch afterwards, he hardly ate. He didn’t even have dessert so I knew he wasn’t feeling too good.  This was Dylan’s 9th half marathon.  I’m so proud of him. 


GG ran the full marathon and lost his nipple guards at mile 12.  Ouch!

Dylan and I with our bling

the entire running crew minus one.

Brunch at El Torrito to Celebrate Our Accomplishment

I’ve also learned that all the weight bearing exercises I have been doing have really made a difference in my running.  Yes, I have not been running, but I have been exercising.  I have more muscle, and my knee didn’t really bother me during this race. I do squats with weights daily, and all the squats really paid off.  I always think I'm fat.  I usually have a distorted body image. I think alot of women do, but I was really surprised at how muscular and lean I looked at this race.  Dylan even complimented me and said I looked strong and fit.  I work hard at it, and it is amazing how squats, lunges, push ups, planks transform your body.  I'm going to be 43 in a few weeks, but I think I'm stronger now than when I was in my 20s.   I’m not even sore or exhausted. After the race, I felt like I could have gone another 3 miles.  And guess what?  I even have my gym bag with me today because I plan on hitting the gym during lunch. 


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