Monday, May 12, 2014

Girls on the Go 5K Race

I’ve run my races so what is next on my “to do” list?  I am now registering my two younger kids for races with hopes that I may be fueling a passion for fitness/exercise.  My older son Dylan has run 7 half marathons, 1 Ragnar Relay, a few 10 milers, 10ks, and 5ks.  He is now a runner.  It is now time to get my younger kids hooked.

Posing with our bibs at Fiesta Island before the race

Mia completed her first 5k run over Mother’s Day weekend at a Girls on the Go race.  This was a race targeted to women, mothers/daughters, friends etc.  It could not have been a better introductory race into ‘running’.  It was small and cozy.  You received a cute little turquoise/pink butterfly with flowers medal. It is one of the prettiest medals.  It's a girly girl medal.  The course was beautiful along Fiesta Island in San Diego.  Mia and I dressed in adorable matching rainbow colored outfits.  We received so many compliments from other runners.  In fact, Zico coconut water asked to take a photo of us holding the bottled beverage. 

Rainbow Girls. We even had rainbow colored hair bows.
This was a chip-timed race. The gun went off while Mia and I were in line to use the restroom.  We started at least five minutes later than everyone, but we quickly caught up to the group of runners. I am fiercely competitive.  Winning isn’t about winning the actual race, because I know I will never ever come in first.  Winning is about getting the best out of yourself and making the top third of your age/division.  I also know my children’s potential, and Mia is an amazing athlete.  I know she could easily finish in the top third for her age group.  I was disappointed with our estimated finished time of 50:10.  In fact, I have requested a correction on this time.  When we crossed the finish line, I saw the clock say “50:10”.  This is the gun time--not the chip time, and Mia and I started late.  We passed so many people, trying to catch up to the group that took off with the gun.  Lance thinks I’m crazy.  It’s just a fun run.  Why should I care? I want to know her time, because I want her to strive for improvement.    (I just heard back from the race.  Her official time was 44:58 with a pace of 14:30 per mile)

Mia's tutu itched her so she ran without it for most of the race.


She is scheduled for another 5k race in July and again in August. In July, we are doing a 5k costume run.  We have a large group of runners.  Half of us are running the half marathon including Dylan and I with a few of us doing the 5k.  Lance is running the 5k with the kids.  I also signed all of my kids for the Amazing 80s 5k run in Pasadena in August.  Eventually, I want Mia and Brandon to progress to 10ks.  Mia walked quite a bit, but I always encouraged her telling her, “you need to pass that girl….” Or “come on. Just run to the water station….run to the bridge and then you can walk…..that girl is catching up….you can do it!”   I learned Mia does have a competitive drive.

When the race was done, we got the VIP treatment.  Yes, we got picked up in the Gryphon.   Isn’t that cool?  Lance drove the dinghy up to the start line/festivities, and Mia and I just boarded the boat.

Holding our medals

Mia had done a small kids run when she was three years old.  She also earned some medals from two cheerleading competitions, and with the medal she received from this race, she held them all up.  You could hear the medals clanking against each other.  I told her, “Mia, do you hear that? Do you hear that BEAUTIFUL  sound?  Yes, baby…that is bling.  That is bling baby!!!!  This is better than diamonds, girl!”  Most would disagree, but to me, I will take my race medals over any gem. 

Does Mia want to do more runs?  I told her she didn’t have to, but I didn’t argue with her when she said, “yes!”

1 comment:

  1. Love the outfits! What a fun way to spend mother's day weekend.
