Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015

Our annual family Christmas photo in front of the tree.

Christmas is my favorite holiday.  No doubt.  I love the magic of this time, but for me, something was very different this year. It was as if I was watching it from the sidelines – never really quite getting fully immersed into the spirit of the season.  I can’t pinpoint what it is, but I think it has a lot to do with our trip to India.  When I returned, it was already December.  I felt the anticipation of the holiday that usually begins with the start of Thanksgiving just never occurred.  Normally, I am done with my Christmas shopping by early December, but this year, I did 95 percent of my shopping on line and very late.  I usually can't contain my excitement in my eagerness to spoil my family, but this year? I was completely indifferent.  When the gifts began arriving in the mail, I just shoved them in a corner in the house.  I didn’t even wrap them until the very last minute, and it was done as an obligation and not out of joy.  I brought the tree out because I felt obligated too.  I didn’t even partake in the decorating of it.  I just let the kids use their creative decorating skills.  I only displayed half of our Christmas decorations in the house.  The Christmas village stayed in the closet.  

I did put up the annual Christmas card wall.  Most people dont send/give out Christmas cards anymore, but I truly love receiving them.  We put them all up,. 

the tree that the kids decorated


For the last few years, it has been a tradition of ours to take the dinghy out on a cruise in the bay to see how the wealthy people lavishly decorate their houses with opulent light displays.  This year, we didn’t go.  The only thing I really did do this year was take the kids to see Santa Claus.   I just wasn’t into the spirit of Christmas, and normally, I feel a little melancholy as the season ends, but this year, I’m just very apathetic about it all. 

Regardless of my lack of excitement, it was another blessed Christmas.  It would be a slap in the face of God to not recognize his gifts.  Believe me, I do.  

Lance and I went to Buca Di Peppo Italian restaurant on Christmas Eve.  We didn’t intend it to be a tradition, but it has unintentionally become one.  It is our place to dine every Christmas/New Year’s Eve.  The kids spent Christmas Eve and morning with their dad. They arrived home around 2:30 p.m. on Christmas day so that we could start our celebrations.  We opened our gifts before we devoured an amazing dinner.  Yvette and Mike did all the cooking.  I felt guilty so Lance and I did the clean up. I did make a cauliflower dish that no one ate but me.  There was an overabundance of food, but what was truly out of control were the desserts.  My house has been filled with every sugary, fattening, delicious treat you can image---macaroons, chocolate strawberries, boxes and boxes of chocolate, busche de noel cake, pecan and pumpkin pies, brownies, cookies, ice cream.  All the weight that Lance and I lost in India will soon find its way back if we don’t watch ourselves. 

Christmas Eve at Buca Di Peppo

so good.

The kids received an abundance of gifts from everyone.  I think Brandon no longer believes, but he just goes along with it.  Mia's wide-eyed excitement makes Christmas for me.  She is magical.   Lance and I exchanged simple, small gifts.  My favorite, of course, is our love letter.  We disappeared from all the commotion like two teenagers, and we retreated back to our rooms so we could quietly read the letters next to each other.  I save all these letters.  Every year and on every important holiday, we exchange handwritten love letters.  My boss made a donation to Wildlife SOS for my Christmas present.  Other than Lance’s letter, it was probably the best gift I received. 

Christmas with Santa

Stockings are always first. 

Santa brought Brandon many cool gifts. 

Mia made out with multiple gift cards and some cool looking softball pants from Justice. 

What is Christmas without brand new underwear? 

We played Taboo Christmas night.  It reminds me of my Dad, and I had to fight the tears. 

elephant socks, Lancome make-up kit, kettle bell, and a cake container.  I actually got several cake decorating stuff, which Lance questioned my insanity.

to commemorate our trip to India, he got a 3D puzzle of the Taj Mahal. We already have the Empire State Building. 

my sister gave him this for our boat.  Love it. 

a present came from India a few days before Christmas. I didn't open it. This pendent is made by the descendants of the people who built the Taj Mahal.  I ordered it while in India, but they custom made it for me.  It is precious stones inlaid in the marble.  This will be a family heirloom. 

Love Letters

Buddy and Bella received toys and HUGE bones.

Bella in the Christmas spirit

We spent Christmas evening playing board games with Yvette and her family.  It was simple and nice.  Buddy fell on the wood floor on Christmas day, and he was extremely whiny all day.  He scared me.  At night, it was like Lance and I were parents of a newborn baby.  Buddy would not stop crying.  Lance would lay/comfort him. The crying would stop and then Lance would return to bed only to be awaken moments later with more crying.  We both may have gotten three or four hours sleep at maximum that night.   Buddy is getting older, and I worry about him.  His legs are weak. 

With all the unwrapping of gifts, the delicious food, the celebrations with friends/family, we did take the time to remember the reason for the season.  Brandon led the family in a beautiful prayer before dinner.  We have so much to be thankful for, and I will never forget that.  I feel so very deeply connected to God.  My faith is very strong and runs deep in my veins.  Without him, I am nothing.  

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. 


  1. You have such a vivid imagination. I like the stories you tell of such a perfect family.

  2. D'oh and, first off, I'm so sorry. Liz, the above comment was made by me, Sean Kennedy, from high school days. I made that comment from my phone, totally sarcastically as a joke, and I didn't realize it didn't post it with my profile. It was most certainly a joke, because you obviously DO have a perfect family! :) I'm so happy for you and you appear to be very happy with your life, that's great. Anyway, I'm so sorry again, having two children myself, I understand that your response, I would be upset some anonymous yahoo made a comment like that in regards to my family. I've only read a handful of your posts, but love them and you motivate me to do more with my kids. Keep on doin' what you're doin'.

    1. Oh my Sean...I'm so sorry too. I thought this was my ex inlaws. I've learned now to NOT jump to conclusions. It was just too coincidental. I had a disagreement with them on Friday night and then this thing shows up....oh boy. How are you my good, friend? Where are you living now? I didn't know you were reading my blog. Send me an I would love to catch up.
