Friday, January 10, 2014

Nine Weeks to Redemption

It is week nine of my 18-week training program for the March 9, 2014 Los Angeles Marathon.  I am in the middle of my training with the marathon approximately nine weeks away.  The most mileage I have done in one run is 19 miles with this upcoming Saturday morning’s run to be 21 miles.  My training basically peaks at 21 miles and then slowly descends until race day.  I think I run 21 miles three times in the 18 weeks.

Marathon training is not new to me. I would not go as far as saying I’m an experienced marathon runner, because I am not, but I have completed one marathon before, and I trained for it.  In fact, I over trained causing some knee damage.  Though the doctors attest there is no damage, I can feel a difference between my left and right knee.  I run cautiously with fear that its going to give out before I can cross the finish line. 
I ran the March 20, 2011 LA Marathon in a disappointing time of 6:10.  In fact, I cannot accurately say that I ran it.  I ran 3 of the 26.2 miles and I walked 23.2 miles.  If you look at my three-year running career, the LA Marathon is by far my most proudest accomplishment.  It is not just because of the distance.  It is because I completed this race in the worst possible conditions. I had a bad knee that prevented me from running.  If I wanted to cross the finish line, the only way I could achieve that would be to walk across, which is what I did.  Moreover, the weather that day was HORRID. Thunderstorms, lightning, rain downpour, and cold.  I hid in a stinky port-o-potty, because the weather was so horrible.  I also started my period at mile 1.  When I did finally cross the finish line, my teeth were chattering and I ran into a building to stay warm. 

What made the finish line so unique for the 2011 LA Marathon was that there were no crowds celebrating the huge achievements.  Runners ran into any opened building to get out of the storm.  Many suffered from hypothermia.  No exaggeration.  It would not have been that bad but I was out in that rain for over 6 hours.

At the Los Angeles Marathon Expo

Lance and I at the expo.  No one knew it, but we were married.  This was the day immediately following our marriage ceremony at the courthouse.

Skyline view of L.A.

at the start line with Jorge and Raul.  It was dark and the storm was about to come in.

I don't know if you can tell how horrible the weather was from this photo. Do you see how wet my clothes are? That is not from sweat because I was walking...downpour of thunderstorms

Walking across the finish line.  FINALLY

Three years later, I am determined to complete another marathon, but this time, my goal is to be able to run, and honestly, I would like to get under 5 hours.  I want to redeem myself.  I want to be able to run it.

I don’t enjoy the training, and I’m disappointed that my workouts are devoted exclusively to running.  I’ve lost a lot of strength because all I do now is run, run, run.  My long distance runs take place on Saturday morning, and it is very difficult to try to balance the demands and responsibilities of being a wife/mother to my own individual goals/desires.  I have to run early in the morning  because it is time consuming and  I need to be back home to assume my role as wife/mother, but honestly, when I am back from that long distance day, I am useless.  I function fine, but my legs are like heavy weights.  I recover easily and quickly because the next day, I go for a short recovery run, and I feel simply good.
The difference in my training this year compared to the 2011 race is that I’ve done all of my long distance runs outside.  In 2011, I was solely a treadmill runner.  Running outside now presents problems because it is winter and daylight is limited. I do not feel safe running in the dark.  I also try to avoid concrete because of how hard it is on your knees so my main path is along the Santa Ana River Trail, but it is a trail blocked off by fences on both side so if someone wanted to attack me, I would be defenseless with no escape. 

I am also training smarter this year.  I stretch.  I use the foam roller to continually massage out my IT band.  During the long distance runs, I stop to stretch my IT band.  This is all in an attempt to limit injury, specifically knee injury.  I have learned that my previous knee problem was due to a result of my IT band.  When I first began doing the foam roller, I could barely massage over the band without feeling excruciating pain.  Now though, it does not hurt. 

When I did the 19 miles, my Nike GPS stated I completed it in 3:19, which is a good time, but in all honesty, a more accurate time would have been 3:35.  I took restroom breaks.  I refilled my water container along the beach.  I stretched.  Each time I did one of these things, I stopped the watch.  I think, if this remains an accurate indicator of how well I perform on race day, I should easily be able to accomplish my goal of running in a sub 5 hour time.

I know many do not comprehend why I would put my body through weeks of grueling training.  It just can’t be good for me, but I disagree.  I would like to share this blog about running. 

Running has given me confidence, an abundance of energy, and the empowerment and faith that I can do anything.  I am never tired.  I never feel defeated, and I have the most positive outlook on life.  I truly feel like I can do ANYTHING.

Once the LA Marathon is completed, what are my next fitness goals?  Will I be a regular marathon runner? I don’t think so.  I’ll go back to my occasional half marathons, and I want to resume my Tabata training.  I enjoyed seeing my strength increase with my push ups, planks, squats etc.

Nine weeks and counting…..2014 LA Marathon will be my time for redemption. 

(I will add though the 2011 LA Marathon will always hold special meaning to me and not because it was my first, but because I had married Lance that weekend. I crossed that finish line as a newlywed of less than 2 days.)

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing. You're getting me excited and nervous for you. Please post lots of pics and text me afterwards that day!
