Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rock and Roll Arizona Half Marathon 2013

Showing off our medals after the race--yes, Lauren kicked my ass.  I also picked up an extra medal for doing both desert races (Vegas and Arizona)

I'm a pretty sick person.  I'm not normal.  I have never been normal. Most people would have gone to the funeral of their best friend and spent the rest of the weekend in reflective contemplation, but not me....I immediately drive to Arizona so I could run, but then again, running is VERY therapeutic for me.  During that half marathon, I was thinking about Sherry and my mom, and while running, I had tears streaming down my face.  I was crying for a good mile during the run.  For me, this was probably one of my worst half marathon experiences . It wasn't the fact that I got teary eyed and emotional because that's pretty typical for me. What made it a nightmare is I got the runs during the run.  Yes, how ironic...the runs during the run. I don't know how many of you are unlucky enough to have had that nightmarish experience.  You just cannot run a step more because your entire insides are bouncing about.  I had to walk about 3/4 of a mile before I found a port a potty.  In fact, I was SO DESPERATE for a toilet that I was about to go knock on the doors of the homes of complete strangers.  However, I was saved because I saw my relief---the port a potties.  I have never been so happy to see a port a potty.  I sat in there for at least five minutes and had a diarretic (word?)poop.  Lance didn't run and served as support. I called him during the run, in a panic when I didn't think I would make it---when I believed there was going to be a humiliating and embarrassing accident on the course.

Lauren (tall, blond, and beautiful) with her short, dark yet quite HOT stepmom

Our daughter, Lauren, also ran the half. This was her second half marathon in less than a year, and she is superwoman!  She knocked off over 20 mins of her time and finished in 2:09.  We are so proud of her.  I, of course, trailed behind at 2:23.  Regardless of my emergency poop, Lauren still kicked my ass. She looked great with her lean legs. I have no doubt that she could easily finish in under 2 hours.  She is planning on having another baby, and of course, my sick self is trying to deter her from that--well, not deter her, but make her delay it by a year.  You see, the family is running the San Diego half in August, and well, there is a group of us running LA full marathon next March.  We schedule everything around runs in this family, and that means babies are scheduled around runs.

It was so good seeing Lauren, Bron, and our adorable grandson Carter.  He is such a good baby that at times, I forgot he was even with us.  He  doesn't have that fear of strangers yet so I was able to steal several kisses.  We spent a wonderful Sunday after the half marathon, having lunch, going to some boring store called Bass Pro Shop and just relaxing in the jacuzzi.

Well, in less than two weeks, I'm running Surf City Half.  My goal is to run a half marathon every month for one year. It is a challenge, but I don't feel physically challenged.  I wasn't sore after Arizona. I don't push myself to get any PR.  I just enjoy it.  What makes it hard is to find the time to do it, but I love running.  I will always run until I physically can't anymore.

Three generations

Daddy's girl

Lance with Carter at some boring store called Bass Pro Shop. I actually followed Lance around looking completely bored.  He didn't like it and said he felt rushed.  Pay back is a bitch!  That's what he does to me when I shop....just standing there completely quiet yet subtlely delivering a message to hurry up.

Runners from OCTA.  We all had great rooms at the Marriott at the Buttes.  I love this group. They are just as addicted as I am.
Look at that face!!! So cute!


  1. Awww I wish I could have been there to partake of the family love!!! I am impressed that you are running every month. And way to go, Lauren! That girl is beautiful inside and out... just like you, Liz. BTW,Lauren is married to Don not Bron.

    So sorry to read about your best friend. I really don't know what to say to someone about things like that. Just know that I am sending sympathy and prayers your way.

  2. Ok so I got the name wrong...Bron, Don....I have not forgiven Don for showing me that mouse so maybe subconsciously, I wrote Bron for a reason.

    Thanks for the sympathy and prayers. It has been very hard. I have strong moments and moments where I break down.

  3. Haha this post made me laugh! I'm definitely stealing some of these pictures!
